
"When time comes, you will have to walk through fire and water." - Sree Babaji

Navaratri literally means 'nine nights' and is symbolising the victory of divine power over dark forces of evil. During this time we invoke the energy aspect of God in the form of the universal mother, referred in Hiduisim as 'Durga' (remover of miseries of life), Devi (goddess), or Shakti (energy or power)

Navaratri is divided into 3 sets of three days to adore different aspects of the supreme goddess. On the first day of every set, the Mother is invoked as a powerful force called Durga in order to destroy all our impurities, vices and negativities. 
Each 2nd day, the Mother is adored as a giver of spiritual wealth, Lakshmi, who is considered to have the power of bestowing on her devotees the inexhaustible wealth. 
The last day is spent in worshipping the mother as the goddess of wisdom, Saraswati
In order have all-round success in life, we need the blessings of all three aspects of the divine mother; hence, the worship for nine nights.

"Navaratri is an awakening call to experience and express afresh our divine nature, to make manifest the light of truth and love in order to vanquish and conquer the forces of evil within. For it is through the positive forces of love and selflessness that negative elements can be effectively eliminated from the heart and the mind. Darkness can never resist light.... "  - Swami Sivananda Saraswati.

During these 9 days and nights we sing and pray, work, laugh, celebrate... It is an intensive program of at least 5-6 hours daily sadhana... continuing for many days in a row, makes for a kind of spiritual 'marathon', where the impurities of the mind get uprooted and burned in the holy fire, leaving white ashes of liberation behind.... 

To follow this routine one needs to overcome one's laziness, inertia, comforts and resistances, and through it gain inner strength, will power and spiritual upliftment.

It is a time of sacrifice, austerity and personal effort on one level, and tremendous gain on another, the more one invests and commits to this time, the more one can receive as Divine bliss and inner transformation.... Removing the negativities from our minds allows us to hold more light in our bodies allowing us to be more loving, kind and compassionate human beings.

Navaratri (ashram)

Since Spring 2017 we began to celebrate Navaratri in the ashram to commemorate the 7th birthday of the ashram. In 2018 will continue to celebrate Navaratri here to honour the awakening of life after winter, give our thanks and pray for blessings.

*Check in events for the dates of latest Navaratra.
*Please write us if you would like to attend or directly to Rai Dass or Roksana
*Daily program includes fire ceremony, puja, aarti, prayers, kirtans, karma yoga.
*Donations are welcome

Black Sea Navaratri

Black Sea Navaratri happens every year on the Southern Bulgarian coast.

Daily fire ceremony, prayers, meditations and the possibility to refresh in the cooling Black Sea make for a wonderful celebration and a relaxing holiday. During this time of intensified sadhana we sing and pray, perform rituals, share, exchange, work and relax.
Our intention for this event is the upliftment and purification of the minds of those present and the surroundings.

The sacred rituals are performed on the gravehill of a female, highly evolved being of the Tracian race, who lived in this area over 3000 years ago.  The history of this Navaratri taking place there is deeply intertwined with the Tracian race and began with the arrival of the magic Lingam in the life of Rai Dass.
It is truly a magical story, and Rai Dass will love to share it if only you ask!

*Check in events for the dates of latest Navaratra.
*Please write us if you would like to attend or directly to Rai Dass or Roksana
*This event is happening in a small coastal town - Sinemorets. Attendees are responsible for arranging their own transport and accommodation. We can help, if you contact us in time.
*Daily program includes fire ceremony, puja, aarti, prayers and kirtans.
*Donations are welcome